Thursday, October 17, 2013


LIZ DABECCO MFA THESIS EXHIBITION CONFLUENCE Click on it to go to the Facebook event page!



My MFA Thesis Exhibition: Confluence

Opens Next Monday October 21st at NOON in Kipp Gallery, Sprowls Hall, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
The galley is open 12-4pm Mon- Thurs

Come join me at the closing reception Oct 24th at 6pm! Will be serving nom noms good company :)

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


I was mentioned in Pittsburgh's Pop City Media

There wasa thumbnail link of my self-portrait on the welcome page last month... pretty cool. I mean, I'm kinda proud of it :)

RAW artist interview

Here is my interview with RAW Natural Born Artists in Pittsburgh

Monday, July 1, 2013

RAW Artists Pittsburgh

I am going to be a featured artist for RAW: Pittsburgh in August.  I borrowed a blurb from their website to help people understand what it is. Check out my profile on RAW by clicking the following link. Feel free to purchase a ticket to the event through my page if you're interested!

"RAW:natural born artists is an independent arts organization, for artists, by artists.
We're an international community made up of creative individuals across the globe.
Our mission is to provide independent artists within the first 10 years of their career with the tools, resources and exposure needed to inspire and cultivate creativity.
We welcome all genres of art including independent film, fashion, music, visual art, performing art, hairstylists, makeup artists and more.
We encourage the creative success of the many visionaries and storytellers of our generation.

RAW currently operates in nearly 60 cities across the United States, Australia, Canada and, now London!"

Friday, June 28, 2013


So, I'm pretty sure I'm a genius. Check out what I put in a a closing statement in a paper regarding art and politics and public art.

"I would like to think my work can be seen and interpreted by anyone, but I kind of want someone rich to look at it, just saying."

-Liz Dabecco

Good right! I KNOW! So informed and self-aware, that Liz Dabecco

My feature on Touchfaster's Blog

Check out my interview for Getting to Know a Solstice Artist on Touchfaster's blog!


I get to be a part of Solstice! A music+art event Saturday, June 29th, at the Rex Theater at 8pm! Come check it out!

Friday, June 21, 2013



I'm going to be showing some smaller pieces at an art + music event in the strip district in Pittsburgh! The event is next Saturday, June 29th, at 8pm at The Rec Theater! Tickets are available for purchase ahead of time online for $10 and they are $13 at the door. Join in for some culture and good times.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Studio Walk Through: 5/14/13 IUP Sprowls and Robertshaw 4-7

Tonight is the studio walk through for IUP's art department. Unfortunately, this event is barely advertised at all by the university. I decided to pitch a last minute plug... COME TO THE STUDIO WALK THROUGH IN SPROWLS AND ROBERTSHAW TO SEE GRADUATE AND UNDERGRADUATE ARTWORK FORM IUP'S ART DEPARTMENT! SEE COOL STUFF AND BECOME MORE CULTURED! k thanks :-)

5/14/13 IUP Sprowls and Robertshaw 4-7

PS I had to clean my studio for this event, just sayin

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A Little Dream Goes a Long Way: Self-fulfilling Prophecy

So, it's no secret to the world that I have some wacky dreams. Last night, however I had a most intriguing one. In the dream an artist was visiting IUP to meet with grad students for individual critiques, as our visiting artists usually do. The artist, whose name or face was never revealed, was exhibiting work with content very in sync with my own. The work of this artist consisted of little tiny child drawings of a family, a large family. These drawings were cut out and staged in a doll house that was lit with a warm yellow light. Parts of the work were kinetic, and interactive. As I was viewing the work, I was able to move the little people around, much like I had done when I was a child playing with my barbies.  It was a comforting experience. Something I knew. Something I had done before.

Today, while remembering this adorable little dream, I thought, how cool? A profound contemporary artist who works with the same ideas and materials as I. BUT that artist doesn't really exist. Or does she?

Maybe it's me. Maybe that's my work. Maybe that's my success.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Thesis Abstract

Ok, so I'm in grad school. I know this. You probably know this. What you may not know is that I have to write papers sometimes. Imagine that! I'm a painter and apparently a writer, too. Only, I'm not good at writing. Well, at least not "scholarly writing". I suck at that kind of writing. This is the THIRD draft of my Thesis ABSTRACT!!! I can only imagine when the real paper comes around. Holy poop! Here is the other problem. I am sitting in my studio. 'Why is that a problem?' you may be asking. Well, there is so much cooler sh*t in my studio than this assignment. There are paints, and markers, AND AND CRAYONS and STUFF! So much more interesting than this, which is probably the reason I am blogging... Sad excuse to stay glued to my computer without resorting to the dreaded procrastination program FACEBOOK! *exhale* I digress. In conclusion, writing papers is lame, you mine as well be asking me to do an organic chem test. Excuse me while I go play with paint and ignore half of my responsibilities for the night.

PS I'm very aware that a MASTERS degree is held to a higher academic level than 'playing with paint'. I just really wanted to whine about it for a bit, hope you enjoyed ;-)

Self Portrait

Started a self portrait... OF MY 5 YR OLD SELF here is the source pic!

Liz Dabecco Artist Interview

My First Curating Experience #TAGIUP

During the month of April, myself, and 4 of my colleagues curated a student exhibition. This exhibition was titled TAG. The other curators included Laurie Barnes, Logan Five, Tyler Rahl, and Erika Stearly.

To sum up the project here are a few steps we took to carry-out the exhibition
1. We set up blank panels around the IUP campus with drawing supplies and the word TAG lightly stenciled on the panels.

2. We encouraged passers-by to 'leave their mark or 'tag' the board however they saw fit.

3. After two weeks of collecting 'tags', we hung the work in the Kipp Annex gallery in Sprowls on IUP's campus. The opening reception took place April 23, 3013.

4. Any 'artist' that participated was attributed as an artist on the announcement cards. Over 100 students participated.

5. The opening reception included another interactive piece. This was a large blank sheet of drawing paper that hung in front of a bin of the drawing materials used out on campus.

Here are some photos of our show!

Check out the link to the article about our show in IUP's school newsletter THE PENN

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Erin Knisley MFA show

Erin Knisley, MFA Jeweler at IUP, opened her MFA show 'Framed' in Kipp Gallery earlier this week, February 5th! Here are pics of her sweet work. Video coverage on the opening and artist interview coming soon.