Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Calibration Critique- Julie Kuntz

Elizabeth Dabecco,

I have been assigned to write a criticism on one of the works in the graduate art show that I found myself most emotionally drawn to, and I have chosen your artwork, Callibration. We are supposed to email our criticisms to the artist. Please feel free to email me back with any feedback or reactions to my interpretation. 

Elizabeth Dabecco’s artwork Calibration is comprised of beautifully colored lines and shapes that have been established with the use of spray paint and oil. The bright lines on such a contrasting dark background lead your eyes around the canvas, through the child’s ears, and back around again only to pick up additional details that had been missed before. It holds my attention and keeps me wondering about the potential meaning behind it. I read the chaotic lines as sound waves representing all that is chaotic around this small child. He seems to be overwhelmed by all that is going on around him and exhausted from attempting to take all of the loud clutter in and interpret it clearly. Yet, he seems to be on the brink of becoming desensitized to it all. All of the chaos has become a part of him that he cannot shake. He is now one with all of the commotion through his intestines morphing into the madness. 

Julie Kuntz

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